16 enero, 2025

28 & 29 January 2025 | Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Game-changing speakers and topics designed to challenge and empower you
It’s official! The Paris Packaging Week agenda is live! 👉 Discover the Talks agenda here
Four stages, 135+ speakers, and over 75 sessions… here’s what you can expect.
Learn from visionaries like…
Jeremy Lindley, Global Design Director, Diageo
Mayra Messora, Head of Design – South America, Nestlé
Ludivine Nalepla, Technical & Sustainability Development Senior Director, Kering Beauté
Geraldine Poivert, Preisdent and co-founder, (RE)SET
Kevin Marshall, Senior Director of Design, Packaging & Content, Microsoft
Marc Powell, Global Accessibility Centre of Excellence Lead, Unilever & Paralympian
Your roadmap to packaging success
The agenda is tailored to cover every aspect of the packaging industry — luxury, beauty, drinks, aerosols and design.
Scientific advances on the fascinating influences of design: The impact of visual product complexity
Microsoft’s inclusive journey in packaging
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Ultra: How and why we developed the world’s lightest 70cl glass Scotch Whisky bottle
The three Rs of PPWR: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Implications for Packaging
How can we meet consumer expectations for ‘preservative-free’ products while guaranteeing their safety, quality and optimum preservation?
Stages dedicated to your challenges
Learn about the key challenges and technologies shaping packaging sustainability in the year to come.
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Discover the hottest trends in AI, e-commerce, smart packaging, start-ups and a new generation of innovators.
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Focusing on the key technical, sustainability and regulatory challenges for the market.
In partnership with
Hear the latest case studies and discover the newest trends in global packaging design.
The stage is set, the speakers are ready, and the future of packaging is calling your name. Don’t miss your chance to join the action—register now and let’s create the future of your brand!
Don’t miss out! Click here to register
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